
Our Story:

Sadly, what lead us to raising Great Pyrenees was a tragic event. We began raising Suffolk cross sheep about 9 years ago. One August afternoon we came home, from our anniversary dinner in fact, and found a pasture full of dead, pregnant ewes. Nine ewes all killed by a neighbor's semi-wild dogs. They had made their way a 1/2 mile around the road to our property, climbed the woven wire fencing and gave chase (according to our elderly nearest neighbor). We were devastated to say the least. We called Animal Control who showed up to investigate and said, "You all need to get a livestock guardian dog, especially with all the wild dog and coyote attacks happening lately."  So, we began to do some research. We found three breeds we liked but after further studying we settled on Great Pyrenees. Mainly because of how amazingly gentle and patient they are with children, as well as livestock. And since, that particular Summer, our five children were ages 20 months - 12 years old, Great Pyrenees was the choice for us.

Once we got our first two puppies, about a month apart, and we fell in love with them immediately! They were so gentle and so smart and were great right from the start with our lambs and sheep. Great Pyrenees it seemed weren't all that readily available in our area and that surprised us given how many sheep and goat farms there are locally. Plus, we began seeing traits that we loved about both our male and female, breed standards were meet as well and so, we had our adults DNA tested, through Embark Canine Testing, to ensure they were pure Great Pyrenees and we began breeding. It has been awesome being able to provide purebred, healthy puppies to farms and families all over the United States!  Our pups live from British Columbia, Canada to Michigan, from Tennessee to Florida and from Montana to California. We are so blessed too to be able to keep in touch with so many of our Pilot Mountain Pyrenees families!

In January of 2022, we happily added "Winston" & "Kona", both AKC registered, to our breeding program here. We're excited to venture into American Kennel Club breeding and all that it entails!